Today I had a phone conversation with little A's teacher regarding all the plans for his school placement next year. I want to protect him and keep him safe from his little heart breaking, or from being overwhelmed. I know this is something moms have to go thru.
I did end the conversation feeling very good about the events and milestones ahead for sweet little A. As this year draws to an end my heart is full of gratitude and love for the wonderful teachers that have been in his life. Tomorrow there will be so many tears ... tears of pride, tears of thankfulness and of course tears from the idea of branching out and all that these little ones have accomplished in a short years time.
tomorrow I will witness him walk across a stage exiting preschool and entering kindergarten
a transition I know that he is apprehensive about ~ and I know in my heart he is ready for, he will enjoy all that 5K has to offers. There will be ups and downs-hard days and fantastic days... all the while this proud bursting with LOVE mama will be there with bells on!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
sweetness inspiring me
There is something so precious about sweet baby lambs. When I heard that twins were born at our favorite family farm my son and I rushed to see them. He has always had a soft place in his heart for lambs. They have a angelic quality~ and I think that is why.
I could barely contain my excitement because we were able to go in the pen with them, and they wanted to be near us. My son was very excited as well! The lambs wanted to chew on him. and my camera strap as well!
We also went outside to a pen where they werent as people friendly but --oh just as cute. I got a few great shots of them looking right at me(my camera).
We also were able to see a family of new "kids". have you ever seen baby goats? Talk about CUTE! I don"t know if you can tell by the picture, but there are 5 or more babies in a bucket!!!
I was overwhelmed with the sweetness on this day at the farm!
I could barely contain my excitement because we were able to go in the pen with them, and they wanted to be near us. My son was very excited as well! The lambs wanted to chew on him. and my camera strap as well!
We also went outside to a pen where they werent as people friendly but --oh just as cute. I got a few great shots of them looking right at me(my camera).
We also were able to see a family of new "kids". have you ever seen baby goats? Talk about CUTE! I don"t know if you can tell by the picture, but there are 5 or more babies in a bucket!!!
I was overwhelmed with the sweetness on this day at the farm!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
home sweet home
Hello friends,
I am so excited that I was able to get a photo of these babies. The mother robin has built her nest a few years in a row- in our "lean-to" shed area where we keep supplies and lawn tractor,etc. My husband will be tearing it down this year -soon- so I attempted to deter her from building again-by removing anything flat and above eye level. I soooooooooo didnt want her nest to be disturbed by my not-such- a wild-life-lover husband. I found this nest VERY low in the shed, in some snowmobile suspensions that are stacked up. When I saw the little eggs, I said to myself,"Oh,sweetie" (mama bird) Now I am making sure it is safe.Today it was raining and dripping right in there so I put a chair cushion up against the outside as a barrier. Silly, I know.

Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
trying to keep my heart open and exposed during such an adjustment period of unfamiliarity and fears. it's a struggle when we're up against anything, really, that changes our lives and identities - our hearts change, too.(Kellierae Roberts) said it best.
These are the feelings I have as myself and my husband embark on a journey of learning with sweet little A.
Learning to help him and learning ourselves.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
spring break day trips

Hello my friends.
day 1 of the next 40 years.
april has always been birthday month.
3 out of 4 of my siblings and I share an april birthday.
Today my sister and I share the same AGE. For a mere 11 days!!!!!!!!!
birthday cake and candles~ red velvet
darling hula girl card.
my sweet nephew! grand day.
spring break(this week) with little one
day trips
Monday, March 19, 2012
every breath, every step
heart ache and the uncertainty of being a mom.
trying to perfect the art of making caramel rolls
and when that failed, toast and jam
and when that failed, toast and jam
walking outside in the early morning camera in hand,the quiet beauty feeds my soul
tears in the shower,because it is a quiet private place.
tears in the shower,because it is a quiet private place.
enjoying smiles that came from friends who enjoy wineand birthdays. Meeting that didn't go as planned.
tension instead of sleep
waiting for calm
Trying to advocate
yearning to "breathe"
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
lifebook 2012

Lifebook January is all about harnessing my Goddess super powers.
These are pictures of the Goddess I drew and painted. This will be page 1 of my book!I still need to add the qualities of my Goddess, they will be displayed on the flap.
This assignment was truely fun. I enjoyed the drawing and painting lessons, and thinking up some great qualities about myself was rather difficult. We are brought up that it is not polite to "toot our own horn".
Monday, January 9, 2012

Maybe it is because of the new year, maybe it is my age, but it seems I am very aware of what I love, and enjoy and long to see, do & experience. Maybe it is because something has been missing altho there all the time? If you havent read my posts before I am a married, mother of 1 high energy 5 yr old. Lucky to be a stay at home mom. My husband travels alot. I have always wanted to be a "mom". I have cherished every single solitary minute of my life as a mom and mom to be. I adored being pregnant. I had a "feeling" my child would be special. With that I somehow knew I would be teaching my child to do things and to hit milestones long after his toddler peers were independent. For me- it was ok, better than ok! I loved being his teacher, and cheerleader!
Somewhere in the time that he was learning and growing and I was figuring out how to be a great mom, and an educated mom,an advocate, a fighter, a teacher, training, modifying, guessing, trying, trying again,pursuing, researching and realizing... I lost myself.
I have recently found a great community of friends, whether they are online friends that I have never met face to face or the wonderful parents I have met at my sons school--either way they are a saving grace.
I realize now that I have to take time for me, and to breathe... take a little time each day to to reflect on what I love(besides being a mom)
I need to seek JOY even if it is 1 little thing each day, like watching the winter birds in the feeders outside my patio window. To me, I realize that I need to do this and remind myself that I need to find that place of calm and beauty that I love in nature and wildlife-to help me when things are frustrating, isolating and heart aching.If I do that... I think my day(s) will be a little better!~and I will be a more patient mom and wife.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
New Year very exciting !!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!(pictured to the right is myself and my sister Pam) I am extremely excited about this year probably more so than I have ever been on day 1 of a new year. I have always had a fun New Years eve for the most part with friends, or family. This year is so different because of all the extremely wonderful avenues that have come my way, in terms of art and people.
I have always been artsy from a little kid. I never really knew how to pursue it or even keep it in my life just as a hobby.Believe me when I say YEARS went by and I always felt like something was missing.I never knew what, tho.
This year with the help of some special people I am venturing on a journey of self discovery of sorts. I am participating in a 1 year art/therapy on line course, called LifeBook. Look it up at
The person who organized Life Book is truely an amazing person. Please read about Tam here:
I am beyond excited to learn from 13 different teachers thru out the year. I am even more thrilled to have told one of my sisters about it, and she has climbed on board. I am so amazed at her willingness to do this- she will attest she is not ARTY. It doesnt matter if one thinks of themselves as an arty or crafty person when working on Life book. She will do fantastic things! I can hardly contain my excitement for all the growth I will be doing and also I am not scared of reaching in to the darker places for healing. it is long overdue. I have a fabulous feeling of Great things to come for me in 2012
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